
Wow. I'm harsh.

So I'm cruising along the hallway in my school. Yes. The hallway. As in, one hallway. Out of two hallways. The pleasures of attending a tiny school involve no obnoxious bells, and two hallways.

So I was moseying down the hallway, one of two hallways, where I came upon a section of wall that was decorated with what I thought were little silly and totally not serious snap shots of fellow students that my other fellow students had taken. But upon further inspection, I realized that, hey! These look to be picked out as the cream of the crop! The cream of the tiny, lazy crop. My faith in art schools plummeted to the 7th circle of Hell with utter disappointment. This was mostly caused due to the snapshots being taken with a fish eye lens. A FISH. EYE. LENS. Just let me inform you that those things are more expensive than a rhinoceros and also I'd like to let you know that I am totally NOT exaggerating. The waste and devastation obliterated me to the fullest.

Honestly. These cream of the lazy bastard crop photos were hanging on the wall, my wall! How dare they put that rubbish up there! That was the point where I decided to take photography 1 that year so that I could raise the average a little higher for this miserable display.


I always have at least 3 tabs open...

These lines have been going through my head since I fell asleep last night. I came up with them, which made me feel excited or something.

"I'll pray for you." she said to his face.
"I'll pray for you." Pray for his imaginary soul to be saved from one and instead sent to a different imaginary place.

That was kind of an awkward moment for me, when my Catholic aunt told my brother that she'd pray for him. We hadn't meant for her to be in our discussion with our cousins about religion and religious views. She's my cousin Elliot's mother and we had just asked him what his religious views and feelings are when she appeared. I think that threw Elliot off when he saw mom and he stumbled around with his words.

I'm thinking of writing more with that first bit I just showed. I can imagine the reactions I might get if I read it at the open mic. Isn't that why we do anything, though? For the reaction we get? It may not be the first motive, but it's still there. We want to impress someone whether it be ourselves or someone else.

My brother told me that some people think that's why humans evolved to be so intelligent; To impress, to flirt. It's kind of funny to think about. The results of wanting to be able to flirt better has ended up in the early destruction of the Earth.


How am I Coming Along?

I don't even remember properly what my resolution was and I'm too lazy to click a few buttons to find out. I said I was going to do all of my work on time or something lame like that. I guess I could have really honed my promise making skills if I hadn't gotten so sick after break. Bleugh. I'm still behind on my math... Hopefully I can totally make that up though. Today is the day I take my test I think. I've only not done one assignment. Someone needs to let me "borrow" their book for a while...

Turning "shuffle" on for a music player can do wonders. Makes a mood fluctuate. One moment hard rap is blaring and there are those feelings of awesomeness and bad assedness, next moment a light electronic song is playing and that awesomeness is still there, but serenity and peace replace the bad assedness. And then Smashing Pumpkins begins after that peace and calm. Everything about that is shattered and rocking out is the only option.

I tried really hard not to use "you", "me", "my", or "I" in that paragraph. Really, really hard. Funny how tempting it is to use those particular words all the time in writing. Makes me think of what my grandpa likes to say: "Assholes are like opinions; Everyone has one and they all stink." Charming indeed. I don't necessarily agree with the opinions stinking part. I think it's fun to hear everyone's opinion on something, even if I highly disagree with the other's view. I'm sure a lot of other people feel this as well. Nothing, though, to me, is more boring than someone who doesn't express their opinions on anything. Or people who seems to just not care about anything at all. It's kind of disturbing to find someone who is like that. My former best friend, now an acquaintance with a history, is like that. I'm amazed we stayed so close for 4 years, for so long.



So my best friend is sitting right next to me on a computer of her own. We're at school together, which is odd, because we go to different schools. She's shadowing me today. Fun times amirite? And now she's reading over my shoulder... poop.

So. A writing project, eh? Got 8 days to do a writing project. For my blogging class. Why does this not sound fun? Probably because it's for a blogging class. Also, I can't really seem to type today. I didn't take my meds today... No idea why exactly. I've been taking them lately except for the weekends. I'm about to fall asleep because of it. I'm tempted not to continue this post and just read some news. Also, I lack head phones.

Poor Mogar must be bored out of her mind. But then again. It is school. That's kind of fucked up, though. Kind of really fucked up. Really, REALLY fucked up. People shouldn't be bored during school. Ever. You don't learn by being bored. Except Mogar isn't exactly attending this school. But still. I'm bored. If I weren't graduating next year, I'd do that "unschooling" thing that my friend Keegan does. She's 13, almost 14, and she hasn't step foot in a school for years. And she's one of the most intelligent people I know. Blows the mind, doesn't it? I mean, technically she still home schools or what ever, but that's just to keep the education people happy. Eh. Hmm. Maybe I'll do my project on that. Talking about "unschooling". I have a book on it... The woman who wrote it seems to be extremely uh... "radical" is the word my aunt used when telling me about it. So that should make things more interesting, I suppose.

Mogar's and my breath combined reminds us of my cat in his earlier days... (Absolutely foul). *Shudder* No one wants that. Ever.

So "unschooling" is this thing where you take your kid, pull them out of school, let them take a "vacation" for a couple of weeks, then it's right on to living their life! It's all good and dandy if you know what you're doing, I suppose. One quote comes to mind from the author; "We don't learn to live, we live to learn." That doesn't relate at all to my previous sentence.


Eterminate! Delete! Exterminate! Delete!

In a rather strange turn of events and feelings, I think right now I'd much rather enjoy hearing myself talk than see it all written down... I think my meds are creating this mindset. That can be kind of bad, I think, and must be conquered. Later.

I haven't had a chance to really work on my math goal yet, seeing as I've missed the first two days of school after a lovely and busy winter break. I don't even know if we finished The Dark Knight or what in that class. That reminds me... I need to get that back from Zoekia...

Butanyways. Over break I got a lot of time to relax and a lot of time to see family as well. My Christmas Eve was nice. I got to see all of my cousins on my dad's side of the family, which is, like I've probably mentioned in past posts, quite rare. Usually I kind of feel rather awkward with my cousins. My sense of humour is the same as my cousins, and also very different. When we're in our little social circles(literally circles), we start talking about something "normal" and point out how weird it actually is and then we begin to make jokes about the thing. I tend to go in a little too much depth with my wise cracks, I guess, or I'm too quiet, or my play on language is missed because it's too subtle. I always feel like I've killed the whole thing after I've spoken because everyone looks at me weird or everyone gets quiet for a moment. Maybe my remarks are too dark? Language too... specific? The conversation always picks up again after a couple of seconds, though, and I go back to listening and watching my cousins. This Christmas Eve, though, I felt totally like I fully fit in. Maybe it's because I had this circular knitting loom thing, knitting a tube that would soon have a reason, that people were paying more attention to me? I admit... It is kind of hypnotizing, watching someone use one of those things. My friend Zoekia has one and I can watch her work for many minutes at a time.

Christmas Eve was held at my grandparents' house, as always. Anywhere else would be abnormal. Well... maybe my aunt Nancy's house would be alright. But other than that, it would just be weird. Completely abnormal!

Also, through the span of two weeks, my brother and I managed to watch the first two seasons of Doctor Who. Well, the first two new seasons. The remakes, I guess. That show is so wonderfully fun to watch, despite its cheesey moments. Those are kind of what make up the fun, though! Also, watching it with my brother adds to the enjoyment. For the last three episodes of the second season, Isaac and I ended up staying awake past 4am I think. It was so worth it, though. That show really likes to pull at the heart strings of the fans and I found myself crying a little at the end of the season. It really was sad. I also tend to get emotionally attached to certain characters and was really sad that this character was leaving because I really like them! Bluh. Anyways. Isaac and I are(hopefully) going to start watching the third season this week, if all of it downloads. Usually I feel nothing about downloading TV shows because they're free anyways, but since Doctor Who is a BBC show, and the BBC is the British Broadcasting Channel, and the Brits actually pay a tax for their television every year to fund stations like the BBC, I feel kind of bad. I don't feel bad about downloading music because the record companies get most of the money from albums while the artists get next to nothing. Bt that's another rant for another day...

I rediscovered an old friend over break on World of Warcraft. It was totally shocking to talk to him a couple years later... to actually even be talking to him. To think that we stayed with WoW for so long, and on the same server, too! AND that we both had switched factions. I'd go into explaining this jargon, but just trust me, that'd take too long, and it's a huge thing we found each other again. It was great.

Before we knew who the other was, we were roleplaying with each other. Roleplaying is where someone creates a character and interacts with other characters that other people have made. It can become really complex with how real the character may seem and all of the story lines that they can get mixed up in. It's really a writer's thing... And my brother doesn't seem to understand the fun in it at all. Haha.

So my friend and I were roleplaying with each other, throwing insults and what not. Our characters are both very racist. But then we started talking "out of character" and that's how we found out that we knew each other from a couple years back, when neither of us knew what we were doing and typed with horrible grammar and spelling. Not my proudest internet days, but I made good friends. Thank goodness for maturing. So Alec and I ended up talking until, like, 3am, which is really late for me, even on a break. Eventually we exchanged facebooks and phone numbers.