

I have so much going through my mind right now. I need to just spill all this nastiness out and let it stay somewhere temporarily so that I may get through that damned movie review. Faaaaawck. I'm so tired. And I have no real reason to be... I fucking woke up at 4pm yesterday. Sunday was the day that I had planned on going to Art Crawl with some friends and stuff. Apparently my boyfriend called me, like, 6 times while I was sleeping. My phone was off, but when I turned it on, it didn't say anything about missing any calls. The Art Crawl ended at 5pm. I need a new fucking phone. Fuck. I could have gone to Art Crawl on Saturday if my cousin had bothered to call and tell me that his plans had changed. By the time I knew that we weren't going to hang out, it was 7pm and Art Crawl ended at 8pm. I didn't go to Art Crawl on Friday because I wanted to go to rec. I wish I hadn't gone to rec. Then my night wouldn't have ended in exhausted rage and tears.

My ex, the infamous Jimey, was being kind of a dickhead on Friday. I hadn't seen him in a week, so I was excited to see him. But after I get to rec about an hour late, he's nowhere to be seen for about a half hour. Then when he does show up, he's raging mad and won't tell anyone just what the fuck is going on. He just yells and pouts and glares. That cooled down a little bit after a while. Then he remembered that he had something to give me; a wire ring and bandanna that he bought for me while in Jamaica. After the exchange, he said "happy birthday" and stormed off. That struck something in me. I kind of wanted to cry. My birthday isn't until the end of November. That's just the beginning, though.

Later, I'm in the hall, talking to some friends outside of the art room and fish tank, and Jimey just comes up to me, lifts part of my shirt up, and blows a raspberry on my stomach. Right as my boyfriend walks into the scene, he sees Jimey do this. Both of us are horrified and confused. I push Jimey away and he tries to act like he didn't do anything.

Jimey also tried to kiss me several times on the lips during that night. Does he not have any social boundaries at all??? I mean really. What the fuck? Next time he tries that shit, I'm going to report him for sexual harassment or something because really. What. The. Fuck? I don't even know why I bother with that boy anymore! I mean, sure, we /were/ close. We /were/ good friends. But I don't think I can deal with him anymore. Fuck him. Really. I don't think I even want to go to rec this week... Neither does Sylvan. I don't want to go to rec and get stressed out. That's where I go to forget my stress.

1 comment:

Becky said...

I'm glad that you're using this as an outlet for some of your stress. How is Fight Club coming along? I know you probably are done with it? Would you like me to ask particular questions to prompt your blogs?