
How am I Coming Along?

I don't even remember properly what my resolution was and I'm too lazy to click a few buttons to find out. I said I was going to do all of my work on time or something lame like that. I guess I could have really honed my promise making skills if I hadn't gotten so sick after break. Bleugh. I'm still behind on my math... Hopefully I can totally make that up though. Today is the day I take my test I think. I've only not done one assignment. Someone needs to let me "borrow" their book for a while...

Turning "shuffle" on for a music player can do wonders. Makes a mood fluctuate. One moment hard rap is blaring and there are those feelings of awesomeness and bad assedness, next moment a light electronic song is playing and that awesomeness is still there, but serenity and peace replace the bad assedness. And then Smashing Pumpkins begins after that peace and calm. Everything about that is shattered and rocking out is the only option.

I tried really hard not to use "you", "me", "my", or "I" in that paragraph. Really, really hard. Funny how tempting it is to use those particular words all the time in writing. Makes me think of what my grandpa likes to say: "Assholes are like opinions; Everyone has one and they all stink." Charming indeed. I don't necessarily agree with the opinions stinking part. I think it's fun to hear everyone's opinion on something, even if I highly disagree with the other's view. I'm sure a lot of other people feel this as well. Nothing, though, to me, is more boring than someone who doesn't express their opinions on anything. Or people who seems to just not care about anything at all. It's kind of disturbing to find someone who is like that. My former best friend, now an acquaintance with a history, is like that. I'm amazed we stayed so close for 4 years, for so long.

1 comment:

Becky said...

It's interesting to me that you engage verbally, but not necessarily in other ways. Has something sapped your spirit? How can it be rejuvenated?