
I always have at least 3 tabs open...

These lines have been going through my head since I fell asleep last night. I came up with them, which made me feel excited or something.

"I'll pray for you." she said to his face.
"I'll pray for you." Pray for his imaginary soul to be saved from one and instead sent to a different imaginary place.

That was kind of an awkward moment for me, when my Catholic aunt told my brother that she'd pray for him. We hadn't meant for her to be in our discussion with our cousins about religion and religious views. She's my cousin Elliot's mother and we had just asked him what his religious views and feelings are when she appeared. I think that threw Elliot off when he saw mom and he stumbled around with his words.

I'm thinking of writing more with that first bit I just showed. I can imagine the reactions I might get if I read it at the open mic. Isn't that why we do anything, though? For the reaction we get? It may not be the first motive, but it's still there. We want to impress someone whether it be ourselves or someone else.

My brother told me that some people think that's why humans evolved to be so intelligent; To impress, to flirt. It's kind of funny to think about. The results of wanting to be able to flirt better has ended up in the early destruction of the Earth.

1 comment:

Polar said...

Polar bear wuffs yoo.