
The world is my shirt!

It's an old, old map. No current maps refer to the U.S.'s owner as "The People's Republic of China" anymore. It's just China. Russia isn't even featured on the shirt. If it was, it would probably say "U.S.S.R." I haven't payed attention to geography since tenth grade. I haven't cared about geography since tenth grade. I like the colours of the maps, though. The People's Republic of China is white. So is the United States of America.
It's near impossible to find a movie review on the internet with more than 4 sentences and less than three lines of praise. Roger Ebert loved "Knowing", apparently, saying that it was one of the best science fiction movies that he's seen in a while. Well, I guess he doesn't watch much science fiction at all. Or have a taste for any sort of intelligence. Or is being payed a lot, and I mean LOADS, to give it a perfect scoring. It's a Nicholas Cage movie. How can it even be a quarter way decent? It's Nicholas Cage. Nicholas Cage. Cage. Everybody on the internet hates him. Not even in a loving, silly way. We actually despise him. He's a damn joke. And what hurts us more is the fact that he's making money for sucking. Sounds like he should apply for a different job.
I'm going to have to consult The Onion, a fake newspaper, for any sort of decent review, because all of the reviews I find online are short and air-headed. I shouldn't care, though. Movie reviewers are the scum of the art world. They don't even make their own films. Their opinions should not be respected. Or even heard. Because that's all that they have to offer to films; their opinions on the hard work of probably a couple hundred people who put hours and hours of labor into making something. Sure, it might not be considered "quality", but at least they made something. At least they're actually earning their money. Film critics(along with any other sort of critic, really, who don't add to the community that they so proudly judge) just offer opinions. That's all they do. That's all they're good for. Most of them aren't even good. Most movie critics show obvious bias in their ratings. And a few, like the Pioneer Press reviewer, Chris Hewitt, don't even try to remain unbiased. Like Chris, they just make a long winded summary of the movie, adding in obvious points of like or dislike for the film but never give any reasons as to why they like/dislike the art that they watch but never bother to take part in. I could go on attacking Chris Hewitt for a while... Maybe in another post. I'm just so fucking disgusted with movie reviewers.

1 comment:

Becky said...

I appreciate the work you did to find good reviews and it's distressing that there were so few. When it comes to online reviews, I suppose anyone feels they can do it, as opposed to being an honest to goodness journalist. But, i suppose Chris Hewitt is considered a real journalist and you're not the only one who dislikes his work.