
Of Course

It seems like every single time Thanksgiving comes around, an English teacher wants their class to write abut thanks and appreciation. Gosh, they're so topical. And I'm so vague or reply stereotypically. Good thing I'm attempting to change...

My previous "song of the week" it seems has turned into "song of the month". I don't understand. It's not even that good. I mean, hell, this remix has that annoying fake clapping in it! You know that clap. We all know that clap. I suppose it's easy to ignore, though. But still, I can't get over why I can't get enough of this song. It's ridiculous.


I'm tired as hell. I only got a couple hours of sleep last night. I wish I had that mentality that if I just get something done right away, I wouldn't have to worry about it later. But no. I am a major procrastinator. Sigh. I really hate being a procrastinator. I mean, yeah, I have my time where I'm on top of all of my school work and it feels good. But most of the time I'm thinking "oh my god! THIS SHIT'S DUE TOMORROW! Augh!"
I guess I'm glad I have any sort of mentality. I mean, I like having a mind that's independent from others. My own mind. My own mentality. Whee.


Oh Looky Here!

I found IAMX on playlist.com... Click the title of this post to here this month's favourite song.

Like the Drunk You Convinced Was Sober...

So I was looking at the Sneaker Pimps website and decided to go to the biographies of the members and it turns out that most/all of the website is in French. I guess it's not really the band site, then, and instead a fan site... By French people... Poop.

The official site is under development... Augh.

So now I stumble upon a website with numbered steps about how to write lyrics like how Chris Corner writes them... interesting... It tells you to make your words beautiful and to cast imagery with them at the same time. Funny... I expect that from lyricists. Well, either beautiful lyrics or clever ones. That's mostly why I can't stand most pop music, I guess.

This also says to put emotion into the lyrics. I thought that was the whole purpose of music?

It's interesting that someone would put up a "how to sound just like this artist" list of hints and tips. Don't most artists want to stand out with their work? I mean, yeah, Chris Corner is a good musician, but I wouldn't want to sound exactly like him if I were to make music.

Oh. I just found a site with more of a biography than I've so far been able to find. Apparently he was born in 1974! Holy crap... He's nine years older than my brother. So that would make him... 34 years old. Okay. That's not as old as I had thought before I figured out the math.

Oh my, there certainly are quite a lot of fan sites.


If you haven't already heard...

I was hit by a car yesterday. It kind of rattled me both emotionally and, obviously, physically. I tried to play it off like it was no big thing, even though I guess I was crying a lot. Not obnoxiously, though, which is strange for me. I'm usually very loud when I cry. So maybe it wasn't so much crying as it was my eyes getting puffy and leaking salty liquid.

I chose to go through the rest of the school day, showing how bad ass I can be. I ended up skipping 4th hour to hang out with some people who were with me when I got hit. I got a lot of hugs from my friends, whose shoulders I cried on heavily, and from a few people who I don't normally talk to When it was time for 5th hour and I stood up, I knew something was wrong with my ankle and foot, but I didn't know how bad it was and since it didn't bother me when I was sitting down, I didn't think too much of it.

When I got home, though, I noticed something was wrong with my foot. It was painful no matter how I positioned it. My mom decided to take me to an orthopedic doctor who's way out past the Mall of America. As we were arriving at the medical place, my brother called to see where the hell me and my parents were. My mom handed me the phone and when I told him I got hit by a car, he FREAKED out. More so than both of my parents combined when I told them. Through apologetic sobs, I told him what happened and he calmed down a bit. After a couple of minutes, we were even joking about the whole thing...

-to be continued-


Oh Bat Man!

This quote just popped into my head:
"You either die a hero, or you live long enough to see yourself become a villain."

I can't wait for The Dark Knight to come out on dvd...

Whay? Why.

So out of all the biography sites I've been to, even the official sites of Sneaker Pimps, I've found it really hard to find any info about Chris Corner.

Finally, though, I found an interview with him that isn't on youtube or anything. It isn't very long, but it's pretty interesting. The interviewer asks Chris what happened to the Sneaker Pimps, why did Chris leave? We find out that he had been with Sneaker Pimps since he was a kid. I dunno what he exactly means by that. Probably he means since he was in his early twenties or something? But then again, I really have no idea how old the man is.

He then goes on to say that he wanted to experiment more on his own with his music. That's how IAMX was introduced into the world. It seems like that decision really worked out for him. His experience with record companies and band politics while in Sneaker Pimps helped him later, when he began to make and produce his own music.

I'll leave with some of the lyrics from my current favourite song:

"cause it breaks my heart
That we live this way
I know people need love
'cause them people never play the game
And we talk the talk
We communicate
The people need love
Those people never play the game"


I am...x?

So recently I've discovered this remix of a song by an artist that I'm beginning to become totally obsessed with. The song is "Spit It Out" and the artist is IAMX, or Chris Corner. The remix of "Spit It Out" is done by Designer Drug. It has a really different sound from the original song. It's more up beat and easier to dance to. It's also been running through my mind for about a friggen week and I'm still not tired of it. I mean don't get me wrong, I love the original song; it's incredibly beautiful, but its remix just lifts my mood no matter how down I am.

So I figure that since I haven't done much research about Chris Corner... I mean, why not? I'll pry into his life a bit. See just what I can discover. Maybe cool my obsession a little.

For starters, I'm gonna just write what I already know about him. First thing, I know what he looks like.

If you ask me, he's not too bad looking...
I also already know that he used to be a part of the electronic group Sneaker Pimps. For the first Sneaker Pimps album, Chris sang with Kelli Dayton. I don't know why she left the group (yet) but I'm kind of glad she did. Her voice sounds too scratchy when compared to other people's voices. She writes and produces her own music now. So does Chris.

So I'm reading on wikipedia that this guy was in a couple episodes of The Mighty Boosh. It's hard for me to imagine him doing anything in the acting profession. It just kind of blows my mind.


Amir Blumenfeld

So. I discovered Amir Blumenfeld through his website www.jakeandamir.com where he and his bff Jake Hurwitz make videos as their characters Jake and Amir. It's pretty great. You should check it out.

On Amir's own blog, though, it's just him being funny. No relying on Jake to laugh in every shot to work off of. He doesn't really have any certain writing style that I see that he uses. He's just naturally hilarious, I guess.

He writes about anything and everything, I suppose. But what's important is that it's funny.

It's funny to think that if Amir wasn't an internet celebrity, no one would bother reading his blog (probably). But I guess that's really stating the obvious. I do like that he writes, though. His blog definitely gives me something to check every day while I'm online.


I Haven't Finished Reading

This blog also happens to be written by our beloved DOB. He doesn't update it anymore, because the story has been finished.

Apparently Daniel wrote this to make some real life friends laugh, and really has no idea why he put it up on the internet. I'm glad he did, though. Otherwise I'd have two less inside jokes with my friend, Mogar. Oh, and also I'd then be deficient in a large portion of my daily giggle fits. I need those, y'know? They are very important to me.

It's interesting how DOB has such a big female following. I guess that Marilyn Monroe quote is true, "If you can make a girl laugh - you can make her do anything." Or maybe it's not... My guy friend can easily make me almost die from laughing so hard, but it's almost impossible for him to have any real control over me other than that. Unless he wanted to kill me, well, then, uh...

Oh. Oops. I'm trying to tackle two assignments in one post. Let's avoid that for now, shall we?

Anyway. So I guess it's really great, too, that Daniel O'Brien's writing style is pretty consistent throughout his works. It's a good style. I can see why he keeps it going from article to article.



Even though I've already seen the entire first and only season of Firefly, thanks to Hulu.com I have found myself watching the episodes all over again. You can click on "Curses..." to go to the free television and movies website to watch all the episodes too, if you like science fiction and westerns mashed into one genre.

It's amazing how this show has such an intense cult following. I think the cast members still have, like, reunion parties and stuff every year, even though the show was canceled several years ago. I mean, I understand WHY so many people love the show. It's amazing that so many people still follow it, though. But I guess I could also ask why people still follow The Rock Horror Picture Show or The Nightmare Before Christmas(I am a shameless fan of both movies, but I wouldn't really call myself a "cult follower", exactly...).

Anyways... I'm probably going to spend most of my Sunday watching Firefly and freezing to death in this porch while doing it. I'm that dedicated of a fan I suppose.

Or if I get tired of Firefly(which is possible... since I've watched the entire season about two months ago), I can just play World of Warcraft with my brother. Yay! Geeky siblings.


Frigid Fingers, Many Questions

Why does my dad utterly insist on keeping this house at a "cozy" sixty-eight degrees Fahrenheit AT ALL TIMES?

Why am I still awake?

Why haven't I finished that bottle of sparkling orange juice over there?

Why is sparkling orange juice so tasty?

Why hasn't my current music put me to sleep? It's so soothing and warm... Warmer than this damned house.

How come Thom Yorke can have a pretty singing voice and I can't?

Can this post count as my Friday's post? Or did I do that one already?

Why do we obsess?

Why has this quote, out of all the best possible quotes, stuck in my mind?

"I know what you're thinking. "Did he fire six shots or only five?" Well, to tell you the truth, in all this excitement I kind of lost track myself. But being as this is a .44 Magnum, the most powerful handgun in the world, and would blow your head clean off, you've got to ask yourself one question: Do I feel lucky? Well, do ya, punk? "

It's just so bad ass, I guess... Clint Eastwood is amazing. I could never fully memorize this quote entirely, word for word, but I at least get most of it when I recite it to people out loud.


DOB - Abs MONSTER (He's Pretty Famous)

(The title is a link to DOB's site.)

A long time Cracked.com columnist, Daniel O'Brien has written over thirty articles(oOoOoOh!) for Cracked.com. He's pretty famous(or we all would like to think he is). Every single Friday, DOB puts up a new article talking about a gigantic range of things. His gigantic range includes talking about taking down Hannah Monsnakemonster, to proposing marriage to many of the lady actors.

He is a comedy writer, since Cracked is a comedic website. It's good that he posts once every Friday because I'm always in the mood to laugh on a Friday.

DOB's self absorption is always hilarious because it's so obnoxious and exaggerated. And you know he knows how obnoxious and exaggerated it is because he's so obnoxious and exaggerated. It makes me feel good to read his posts.

You're so Sweet

Really? You always think my emails are fun to read? Really? I'm the only one who talks to you about things other than anime and video games? I miss you, man! You're the main reason I regret transferring schools. You always had something on your mind to strike up a conversation and/or argument with me.
I miss you man! You're my frustrating muse. You'll argue with me for the sake of arguing. No one else does that with me. No one else can find those mind boggling loopholes in the most thorough of explanations. I'm fo' realz.
I'm sorry I left you with our atrocious American History teacher. I know how torturous that class is with that man. Sorry I left you stranded. Hopefully you can get out of his class and into the other guy's class.
I'm sorry for not being as helpful all the time with your stories because you've been so helpful to me with my math. I miss those days. Messing around in Algebra 2, not a care in the world except for barely passing the class. Those were fun times. Fun times indeed.
We should really hang out sometime, you and I.


Morning = lame

The problem with writing in the morning is that barely anything has happened or has had the chance to happen. All that has happened in my day so far is that my cat woke me up, my brother offered me a ride to school, I helped my brother brush the snow off of his car, got to school fifteen minutes early, and then class started. Oh how fascinating my morning life is.

I figured out a fun way to fall asleep last night. Instead of counting sheep or listening to music, I decided to try and thinks of all of the words in my head that started with the letter A. Surprisingly, I started off with words that weren't "easy" like "apple" or "ants". I thought of words like "apartment" or "atomic". It's funny how quickly I fell asleep, too. And how hard I slept that night! Honestly. Even my cat's severely obnoxious late night shelf sweeping didn't wake me up. Or maybe I'm just used to that noise by now. I'm going to start on B's tonight. Gonna see how fast the letter B can make me sleep. My plan will be brilliant for 25 nights more!

It's troublesome, sometimes, helping my buddy Andres with his writing. Mostly it's difficult to help him because he wants me to go over his stories that he's written and his handwriting and spelling and grammar are near impossible to decipher. I can usually plow through all of that, though. I endure the thin line of insanity to help my friend by reviewing his stuff. What gets me most, though, is when he asks for me to brainstorm for him. Right now he's asking, almost demanding, that I come up with names for things like people, groups of people, attacks(he's a big action scene kind of guy), and places... I'm happy to help him with these, but the problem I have is that he doesn't really help me help him. I ask for specifics of his characters or of the places or attacks, but he doesn't have any more details other than vague descriptions.
I mean, I'm glad that he wants to write. I am very glad that he tries to make stuff. And when I say that he gets demanding for ideas, it's not that he wants to steal my ideas, he just wants inspiration. Writer's block seems to be especially potent for math geniuses, it seems.
Man. I miss that kid. I gotta call him sometime or something.


She doesn't even deserve THAT...

So I read on my favourite news website www.digg.com that apparently Sarah Palin was offered TWO MILLION DOLLARS to appear in a PORNO. Seriously... That's just grotesque. Not only because the woman has a family (husband included) but because it's Sarah-fucking-Palin! It's impossible for me to see why or how someone can find her attractive after all that we know about her. I don't find creationism, earmarks, or stupidity to be even remotely attractive...
But then again, I suppose this is a porn movie we're talking about. They're the definition of shallow.