
DOB - Abs MONSTER (He's Pretty Famous)

(The title is a link to DOB's site.)

A long time Cracked.com columnist, Daniel O'Brien has written over thirty articles(oOoOoOh!) for Cracked.com. He's pretty famous(or we all would like to think he is). Every single Friday, DOB puts up a new article talking about a gigantic range of things. His gigantic range includes talking about taking down Hannah Monsnakemonster, to proposing marriage to many of the lady actors.

He is a comedy writer, since Cracked is a comedic website. It's good that he posts once every Friday because I'm always in the mood to laugh on a Friday.

DOB's self absorption is always hilarious because it's so obnoxious and exaggerated. And you know he knows how obnoxious and exaggerated it is because he's so obnoxious and exaggerated. It makes me feel good to read his posts.

1 comment:

Becky said...

I like that you identity that tone and tenor of his blogs and also why it holds great appeal for you.