

Even though I've already seen the entire first and only season of Firefly, thanks to Hulu.com I have found myself watching the episodes all over again. You can click on "Curses..." to go to the free television and movies website to watch all the episodes too, if you like science fiction and westerns mashed into one genre.

It's amazing how this show has such an intense cult following. I think the cast members still have, like, reunion parties and stuff every year, even though the show was canceled several years ago. I mean, I understand WHY so many people love the show. It's amazing that so many people still follow it, though. But I guess I could also ask why people still follow The Rock Horror Picture Show or The Nightmare Before Christmas(I am a shameless fan of both movies, but I wouldn't really call myself a "cult follower", exactly...).

Anyways... I'm probably going to spend most of my Sunday watching Firefly and freezing to death in this porch while doing it. I'm that dedicated of a fan I suppose.

Or if I get tired of Firefly(which is possible... since I've watched the entire season about two months ago), I can just play World of Warcraft with my brother. Yay! Geeky siblings.

1 comment:

Becky said...

My brother, speaking of dorky siblings, is a total World of Warcraft nut. He chats with his buddies while playing and everything. Wild.