
Morning = lame

The problem with writing in the morning is that barely anything has happened or has had the chance to happen. All that has happened in my day so far is that my cat woke me up, my brother offered me a ride to school, I helped my brother brush the snow off of his car, got to school fifteen minutes early, and then class started. Oh how fascinating my morning life is.

I figured out a fun way to fall asleep last night. Instead of counting sheep or listening to music, I decided to try and thinks of all of the words in my head that started with the letter A. Surprisingly, I started off with words that weren't "easy" like "apple" or "ants". I thought of words like "apartment" or "atomic". It's funny how quickly I fell asleep, too. And how hard I slept that night! Honestly. Even my cat's severely obnoxious late night shelf sweeping didn't wake me up. Or maybe I'm just used to that noise by now. I'm going to start on B's tonight. Gonna see how fast the letter B can make me sleep. My plan will be brilliant for 25 nights more!

It's troublesome, sometimes, helping my buddy Andres with his writing. Mostly it's difficult to help him because he wants me to go over his stories that he's written and his handwriting and spelling and grammar are near impossible to decipher. I can usually plow through all of that, though. I endure the thin line of insanity to help my friend by reviewing his stuff. What gets me most, though, is when he asks for me to brainstorm for him. Right now he's asking, almost demanding, that I come up with names for things like people, groups of people, attacks(he's a big action scene kind of guy), and places... I'm happy to help him with these, but the problem I have is that he doesn't really help me help him. I ask for specifics of his characters or of the places or attacks, but he doesn't have any more details other than vague descriptions.
I mean, I'm glad that he wants to write. I am very glad that he tries to make stuff. And when I say that he gets demanding for ideas, it's not that he wants to steal my ideas, he just wants inspiration. Writer's block seems to be especially potent for math geniuses, it seems.
Man. I miss that kid. I gotta call him sometime or something.

1 comment:

Becky said...

I really like that even though your morning was not fraught with activity, you found that kernel of writing inspiration that moved your blog forward. How gracious and good of you to work with your friend on his work; your tireless efforts will land you a dedication page in his first novel, I am sure.