
Of Course

It seems like every single time Thanksgiving comes around, an English teacher wants their class to write abut thanks and appreciation. Gosh, they're so topical. And I'm so vague or reply stereotypically. Good thing I'm attempting to change...

My previous "song of the week" it seems has turned into "song of the month". I don't understand. It's not even that good. I mean, hell, this remix has that annoying fake clapping in it! You know that clap. We all know that clap. I suppose it's easy to ignore, though. But still, I can't get over why I can't get enough of this song. It's ridiculous.


I'm tired as hell. I only got a couple hours of sleep last night. I wish I had that mentality that if I just get something done right away, I wouldn't have to worry about it later. But no. I am a major procrastinator. Sigh. I really hate being a procrastinator. I mean, yeah, I have my time where I'm on top of all of my school work and it feels good. But most of the time I'm thinking "oh my god! THIS SHIT'S DUE TOMORROW! Augh!"
I guess I'm glad I have any sort of mentality. I mean, I like having a mind that's independent from others. My own mind. My own mentality. Whee.


Jordy said...

I think we all procrastinate a little more then we should, perhaps we should have a group meeting about it? eh, maybe later.

yes, that was a pun.

Becky said...

How fascinating that you go from decrying your personality or procrastinating tendencies to embracing them as something that makes you, you. I do like your ownership and self-pride.

jumbled illusions said...

I do the exact same thing with procrastinating. It's just like "Ehhhh... I'll get it done later." and then it's the day things are doing and I'm scrambling so that I get a good grade hopefully and fail. It's a vicious cycle, you don't do it because you don't want to when you start and then you don't do it since it's stressing you out.