
Late... Way late... Really late... Too late...

I feel like I'm floating. Floating through space and time... I'm incredibly calm. I have no idea why I'm so placid... Maybe I'm still processing the events of this week end? A lot happened in the past four days. A lot of time was spent with family. For the first time in years, all of my cousins on my dad's side of the family were in the same place at the same time. My grandma is a powerful woman like that, especially when she just turned 80 years old. She can pull people together.

It's not like my cousins don't like each other... We're a group of eleven kids full of love. Most of us usually come to family gatherings, and by most, I mean 10/11 of us. That one missing link, Peter, is a rare sight. None of us are sure why. Maybe we just don't keep him well informed of events occurring? It's not like we try to ostracize him or anything. We love him so much. I don't want to point any fingers... especially with family, but a few of my cousins also think that maybe it's because of how that side of our families sees homosexuality? They're very religious... Maybe those are reasons as to why Peter never appears? I dunno... I'm just glad he showed up for our grandma's birthday party. That really meant a lot to her.

My grandma's party was on Saturday. My aunt organized this whole thing, a surprise party, at my grandparents' church. We all arrived about an hour before my grandma was about to show up in order to help set everything up. My brother, two cousins, and I were the first to arrive and since we didn't have any of the supplies with which to begin a party, we took a stroll around the church. None of us are religious in any sense and we can be pretty blatant about it. I don't think the other people in the church appreciated that very much. Haha.

So my brother, Isaac, and my two cousins, Tristan and Sydney, and I walked around our grandparents' church... It's actually a very nice house for Jesus. Very Norse. You gotta hand it to religious folk; they know how to make a nice building.

Shortly after we got there and looked around, some more people showed up, people who had table cloths and eating utensils... (To be continued another day...)


Becky said...

I love a good roaming tale. You are an excellent storyteller. You include just the right amount of back story and detail. Love the Norse remark.

jumbled illusions said...

Most religious folk know how to make good buildings, but there are some pretty ugly churches too, and then there are the ones that are just outright obnoxious. Finish your incompleted posts!