
My Cat's Getting Snipped Tomorrow

Oi... I'm sleepy... Stayed up too late last night trying to figure out some major drama going on with two of my distant-ish friends. Bad judgment and tendency to despise are two very bad things to mix or clash together.

My writer's block is slowly being beaten down within an inch of its life. Just suddenly I've been hit with a wall. My mental streamed has been dammed. Frisky, feisty beavers? Oi. So... because of my lack of creativity at the moment... I'm just going to do this blogging assignment in list form. Q and A format. Repetitive music is not the best for when your head is struggling already. Ah. There. Sigur Ros. Now my mind is less tense...

The personality that emerges from their writing topic choices.
A busy, exasperated person seems to write this blog. They seem to be strong, though, and could over come anything they felt they had to, or if they really wanted to.
Their use of language- proficient, punchy or otherwise.
It's informative and wandering... Personal. This person uses their blog very much like a personal journal. But then again, isn't that what a blog is? Only placed out o the public? Their practice of grammar, spelling and punctuation.
It's pretty good grammar. And proper punctuation is always there.
Their knack for descriptive and figurative language.
I didn't notice a real descriptive presence. I mean, they can put a sequence of events together very well without it all getting muddled and stuff. Who their perceived audience is.
Anyone and everyone interested. How their work reads as a whole, stylistically and with or without voice.
I'm actually amazed I got through the whole thing, really... I was only really interested in this person's post about church vs. state. (Guess whose blog I read? =P) I mean, I am interested in people's lives for sure, but that's mostly what this blog is... Oh jeeze. Is that what my blog is, too? Level of writing engagement or commitment from them.
I don't see too much commitment... Well, no, there is a lot. This person posts a lot more than some of the other bloggers... They do get pretty in-depth with stories.
It was very high.
Based on what you've read, what kind of a writer is this individual?
This person seems like a relaxed, casual person who finds them-self in busy situations.

1 comment:

Jordy said...

I'm mildly curious, are you actually being shipped a cat? My newest cat came to us, via a commercial jet. (yes, we had to go pick our cat up at the airport.) So I'd be interested to hear if you can actually just ship them.