
Oh, mom...

(Crap... I thought I pressed "publish" yesterday...)
I was just on freerice.com, doing some grammar skills tuning, and I came across a phrase that made me smile. It didn't make me smile, even laugh a little, because I knew it, but how I knew it. My mother likes to tell people stories of when I was little, as I'm sure any parent would. Naturally people have a favourite story to tell, or a collection of stories to tell. My mother is kind of a pack rat, so of course she has a collection of stories to tell about me as well as my brother.

Well, my mother has this one story that she loves to tell everyone, probably to show how smart I was(and am?) and to impress others with my intelligence. The story goes "I remember when Martha was in... was it preschool or kindergarten? Well, I remember when she was around that age, I was talking to her teacher. Apparently Leslie, Martha's teacher, had told her to do something. Replied Martha: 'If I were to do that, I would have done it.' This kind of startled Leslie because what five year old would say that?", and then she always adds, "my daughter, of course!" I guess that's what happens when English majors have kids.

I suppose because of my mom's major in English and her constant chatter with me as a baby, speaking "properly" comes easily to me. A lot of the time I don't use my grammatical skills to their full potential, though. Maybe I don't because it sounds too formal? I really can't stand formalities all the time. It really bothers and irritates me. That's probably why I have such a wide range of friends... Because I am alright with speaking without all the correct grammar that my mother uses, and I never rue my decision.

1 comment:

jumbled illusions said...

My mother does the same thing. I actually like the way most things are when grammatically incorrect more anyway, well unless the grammar is so poor you can't even tell what they're trying to say or ignoring blatant simple little things like using the right type of there word there.