
The Tales of Jimey

Every so often in your life you find that rare person who just seems to click with you. Who seems to get you, feels you. That person can make you laugh with the wiggle of a finger. They can comfort you with the right words when you really need it. Turn your tears, your anger, into laughter and warmth. Well, I've found that person a couple years ago... At the Central High homecoming game.

It was a wonderful night, at the homecoming game. It was cold, so we all huddled together, even if we didn't know each other's names. People were sitting on my lap, letting me sit on their laps, it was amazing. My friend Chibi(an old nickname) had introduced my friend Tata(an old nick name) and me to her friend "Kerry". She never called him Jimey(pronounced like "Jimmy"), and I'm not sure why. And well, upon seeing him, I was infatuated. Tata and I fought like children over a toy about whose lap Jimey would sit on. I let Tata win eventually because Jimey looked annoyed and cold. I'm glad that victory never lead into anything more. I don't think Tata even saw him after that game.

Well, simple words and stories were exchanged during the game. No one was rally paying attention to the people on the field... It was really too cold for that. We were just concentrated on keeping warm, mostly. So when the game finished, it took us a second or two to realize it. Jimey had disappeared into the crowd. I didn't hear from him again.

...Until about the middle of January. My friends Zoe, Dustina and I had gone to see Eragon in theaters. And you know who we ran in to? That's right. Jimey. I was still calling him Kerry then, but I soon learned how much he hated his real name... So Jimey and I talked for a minute and then he went back to his group of friends, who I would also come to know as friends. After the movie(which was really awful), Zoe, Dustina and I were ready to leave when Jimey appeared again. We loitered in the mall for quite a long time. It was fun. We eventually ended up exchanging numbers. I didn't hear from him again until February-ish.

He wanted to know if I wanted to go see a movie with him. His aunt would be giving us a ride. I thought they were an hour late, but apparently I was thinking an hour too far into the future. I was just so excited to see Jimey again. I had developed a huge crush on him and was super anxious to see him again.
We were gleefully obnoxious in the theater. There were only about 10 other people in the theater and we sat in the back. Our first inside joke was formed and I cannot, for the life of me, remember what it was... It had something to do with miniature gummi ninjas. He has a shirt that he made with the whole thing on it. I'll ask him what it was next time we talk.

I think on the way back to my house, it became a mutual thing that we both were attracted to each other. I really don't remember what happened in the car to establish this... It was awesome, though. And when we finally pulled up in front of my house, Jimey offered to walk me up the stairs to the house. Once we got out of the car, he whispered to me to run away down the block with him. I obliged, of course. We only got past two houses before his aunt shouted something and we almost died laughing. Oh, that boy is ridiculous. I think he did eventually end up walking me to my house.

I think we talked on the phone a lot after that... or was that after he was sent to Arizona?


jumbled illusions said...

That whole post was adorable, write more about him!

Jordy said...

Adorable. Oddly enough I know Kerry too. Fun kid.