
Damn, I wish I had...

I think it's rather depressing and pointless to think about the "woulda, shoulda, couldas" because it's all in the past. Everything that has happened will always be exactly that; The past. You can't change the past. What's done is done. End of story. If you start thinking about what you could have done, and it would have been an easy change, to make things better then you just end up feeling depressed or guilty or both. Those aren't pleasant feelings. 

On another note, I wish I would have turned in all of the math work that I had last year, completed or incomplete. I'm sure I would have been able to just barely pass by the skin of my teeth. Instead, I failed by the skin of my teeth. I failed by .14% and I am never going to forget that number. Needless to say, it sucked. I just couldn't keep from freaking out. 
   Later, when class was out, I got a lot of hugs and was offered a cigarette from a friend. Haha. That made me feel better. The hugs, not the cigarette. 

But I mean, all of those tears and emotions could have been prevented if I had only turned in a couple of extra assignments in, ignoring the lateness of them. I seem to have a habit... a bad habit of ignoring my math work. I seem to think that everything is gonna be coming up Millhouse! for me even if I don't do my work. Wow. I'm really full of myself in that way! Thinking I'll pass if I don't do any work. Huh. I should work on that. I gotta put my nose to the grindstone and just do my work to save myself, and others, time and sanity. 

1 comment:

Becky said...

Really sound extrapolation of this topic and your musings about Math.