

I'm having enough trouble writing my story for creative writing that I feel utterly dedicated to, and now for my blogging class I must think of stories or a story to write... My brains is not up for this at the moment. Oh, shit. I forgot my script in the car. Shit! I need that... Ugh.

My thought train has taken a wrong turn and now it's stranded somewhere dry and arid. I can't draw any inspiration from things... It's been like that lately... for, like, a week or two... And it's frustrating me to no end. Funny, I have no issues talking about this bane, but trying to think of other things to express? Near impossible.

Blah. I'm going to just mentally spew all over this post. Oh, speaking of spewing....

My cat spewed all over my brother's carpet and internet wires the other day. I think he ate too much food after his surgery... That was my bad for giving him too much food in his dish. My dad was also there when Ace threw up. Neither of us wanted to bother trying to clean the old carpet, so my dad just said "You know what?" and whipped out his knife. He then proceeded to cut out a lazy half circle from the carpet. It smelled so terrible. Poor Ace. First his balls go, then his stomach!

I did NOT get enough sleep yesterday... I had to wake up from a dead sleep yesterday so that I could go along with my parents and my cousin to meet my aunt somewhere... My cousin, Megan has the entire month of December off for a winter break. Lucky college kids. So Megan took a bus ride from Duluth to the Twin Cities, my brother picked her up from the station and brought her to our house. She spent the night... We stayed up really late watching Dr. Who and old digitized tapes of the grand kids on my dad's side. ("The grand kids" being me, my brother, and our cousins. Megan is a cousin from my mom's side.) We hadn't gone through all of the video... We watched my brother's 7th birthday party... And there was some footage of my grandpa Larry... I had never heard his voice before... And remembered it. I was 2 when he died. It was amazing to see him animated... I was near brought to tears when I saw him alive on that tape.

So we watched my brother's 7th birthday party... Then the tape skipped to EASTER! And you know what? I made my first appearance on video. I was an adorable baby. And I squiggled a lot. And I moved my hands a lot. And I had some hilarious facial expressions.

So we all went to bed around 2am. And woke up at 10am... You'd think that 8 hours of sleep would be good enough, right? In short, no. In long, noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
It took Megan, my mom and me about an hour to be fully ready to venture out. Megan is not a morning person, neither is my mom. I'm not a morning person on the weekend, when I know I can be getting more sleep than this.

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