

A is for Adderall. This stimulant has gotten a lot of attention this year, I've noticed. I started taking it last year for my inattentive A.D.D. I stopped, though. It made me a different person and I didn't like it. It seemed to make my attention span longer... but I'd pay attention towards more spacey things, like staring at that moth in the corner that's so helplessly trapped in a cobweb.
A is also for Anonymous.

B is for that Bitch who plays Hannah Montana/Hannah Monsnakemonster. This girl has sold her soul to the Disney corporation. It's sad, sure, but also very irritating. And menacing. She brainwashing our chilluns (children) to be shallow, materialistic, and fake. There was an actual law that was passed called the "Miley Cyrus" law or something... It had something to do with concert tickets being resold for way too much money. Thanks, desperate little kids and parents of. You've ruined everything!

C is for Creative Arts and Como. In the middle of the first school quarter(and my junior year!), I transferred from Como high school to Creative Arts. It was quite the shocking and pleasurable change. I went from some several hundred or thousand kids to about 90. It was amazing. My friends at Como haven't fully forgiven me for the sudden move(I did kind of spring it on them... and forgot to tell a few I was leaving. Oops.) but... it's not like we can't keep in touch, still. We have cell phones and internet, damn.

D is for Digg.com.

E is for emotions. Many tears, squeals of delight, giggles, fits of anger, and so much more have been released this past year. Events such as my senior friends graduating and leaving, Jimey coming home for summer, Mogar living at my house for a week, starting 11th grade, switching schools, and Obama being elected have brought the most passionate ides of me.

F is for Four Square. It's been a tradition for a few years, now, for my family on my dad's side (mostly the cousins and a few aunts and uncles) to play four square every family event we can. Even if it's freezing outside, if my grandparents' driveway is clear of snow and dry, we will play four square. It really brings us together, I like to think. It's great how we always debate rules and keep out logical sides, as well as athletic skills, moving.
What always makes me laugh is that my cousin, Elliot, utterly dominates the game. He's fierce and fiery. He's a good challenge, even though his style of play includes bouncing the ball at our feet and it all gets frustrating some times.

G is for

H is for
L is for Love.

M is for Mogar, one of my favourite people in the entire world. Seriously. I love this woman. What's funny is that just a year or so ago, we barely knew each other. I remember Mogar telling me one time she actually said "Who the fuck is Osa?" Little did she know how amazing we soon would be together. Haha. Well, Mogar has given me a lot more confidence in myself and has introduced me to so many people and music and things and especially a different look on life. I love her so much and wouldn't know what to do without her.

O is for Obama! The fact that this man's name alone inspires change and hope is amazing. It's even more amazing that such a man is our new president.

P is for
Q is for
R is for
S is for
W is for Writing.

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